Traditional Chinese | Multicultural Hand Signals Posters and Editable Templates 手勢海報(可編輯)


These posters will help your students express their needs in a less-disruptive way! When non-verbal communication is encouraged in your class, your class management will become much more efficient. It's the perfect tool to teach classroom procedures and routines in the first week of school. 

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

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These posters will help your students express their needs in a less-disruptive way! When non-verbal communication is encouraged in your class, your class management will become much more efficient. It's the perfect tool to teach classroom procedures and routines in the first week of school. 

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

These posters will help your students express their needs in a less-disruptive way! When non-verbal communication is encouraged in your class, your class management will become much more efficient. It's the perfect tool to teach classroom procedures and routines in the first week of school. 

‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

There are two files included in the zip file:

1. 16-page Posters (pdf)

  • 我要鉛筆

  • 我要喝水

  • 我要上廁所

  • 我要紙巾

  • 我也是

  • 請安靜

  • 我有一個問題

  • 我準備好了

2. Editable Powerpoint Templates (ppt) - Add your own directions and visuals to the slides.


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