Simplified Chinese | Back to School Chinese Classroom Decor Bundle 中文教室布置材料


Are you getting your Chinese immersion or bilingual classroom ready for this school year? Grab this back-to-school Chinese classroom decor bundle in simplified Chinese for everything you will need for classroom set-up, management, posters, and Chinese literacy exposure! Your classroom will look organized and beautiful and ready for the little Chinese learners :)


‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

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Are you getting your Chinese immersion or bilingual classroom ready for this school year? Grab this back-to-school Chinese classroom decor bundle in simplified Chinese for everything you will need for classroom set-up, management, posters, and Chinese literacy exposure! Your classroom will look organized and beautiful and ready for the little Chinese learners :)


‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

Are you getting your Chinese immersion or bilingual classroom ready for this school year? Grab this back-to-school Chinese classroom decor bundle in simplified Chinese for everything you will need for classroom set-up, management, posters, and Chinese literacy exposure! Your classroom will look organized and beautiful and ready for the little Chinese learners :)


‼️Please download the file within 24 hours after your purchase. The link will EXPIRE after 24 hours. If the file expired and you couldn’t have access, send us an email at and we will be glad to assist you! ‼️

Please note that this bundle is DIFFERENT from the Mega Bundle on TeachersPayTeachers.

What is included:

  1. 校内通行证(厕所、办公室、护士站)

  2. 日历卡片(月份和日期)

  3. 班级工作卡

  4. 课程表(拼音+纯文字)

  5. 教室用具标签(拼音+纯文字)

  6. 教室音量表

  7. 生日展示栏(可编辑ppt+pdf)

  8. 班级规则海报

  9. 家庭作业文件夹封面(可编辑ppt+pdf)

  10. 平面图形海报

  11. 1-20数字海报

  12. 颜色海报(文字)

  13. 颜色海报2(图片)

  14. 洗手间规则海报

  15. 心情卡片及海报

  16. 教室告示牌标题

  17. 今天星期几

  18. 鼓励海报/自我肯定(拼音+纯文字)

  19. 天气转盘

  20. 课桌名牌(可编辑ppt

  21. 礼貌用语

  22. 提问词海报(什么、谁、为什么等等)

  23. 教室手势海报(可编辑ppt+pdf)

  24. 上学第几天/一百天数一数

  25. 校外教学必备(field trip 可编辑ppt

  26. 老师自我介绍 (可编辑ppt

  27. 开学Open House 传单/活动/给家长的信 (可编辑ppt

If you would like to purchase individual products, please visit our TPT store:

Traditional Chinese | Chinese Classroom First Week of School Activities 開學第一週必備合集
Traditional Chinese | Multicultural Hand Signals Posters and Editable Templates 手勢海報(可編輯)
Bilingual Chinese Classroom Field Trip Student Name Tags | Editable Powerpoint Slides 可编辑学生出游名牌
Traditional Chinese | Back to School Classroom Decor Bundle 中文教室佈置材料
Simplified Chinese | Chinese Classroom First Week of School Activities 开学第一周必备活动合集